Contribute to
our Future

The International School of Stuttgart e.V. (ISS) is an independent, self-governing and self-financing day school committed to helping establish a sustainable business environment in the Stuttgart Region that is attractive to international companies and internationally mobile employees and their families.

The day to day operations of the school are financed by school fees and a limited, non-compulsory public subsidy. Major strategic investments to support and extend the programmes of learning such as the modernisation and/or extension of the ISS facilities or major Information Technology initiatives are supported by the “Förderverein” der International School of Stuttgart e.V. (FISS).

The only purpose of the “Förderverein” der International School of Stuttgart e.V. (FISS) is the idealistic and financial promotion of education at the International School of Stuttgart and the promotion of the idea of international understanding primarily realized through the promotion of teaching and school life, in particular by:

  • supporting the school by contributing to its current budget, especially for the purpose of purchasing teaching and learning materials;
  • the support and implementation of instructional and extra-curricular projects;
  • the support of measures for the maintenance and expansion of the school facilities;
  • the support of needy students by subsidizing or assuming their school fees;


      • the raising of third-party funds and the sponsorship of school projects;
      • the raising of funds through contributions and donations;

      FISS is a non-for-profit Organization registered at Registergericht Stuttgart VR720282 and qualifies as serving the public interest as defined by the German tax code. As a result your gifts and membership of FISS are tax deductible. If you are interested in supporting the International School of Stuttgart e.V. you are invited / welcome to become a FISS Member. If this is the case or if you have any further questions please contact the Treasurer of the Förderverein Mr. Jürgen Schwenk by sending an email to


      Grants of all sizes are important and can be made to the FISS account:

      Account Holder: Förderverein der International School of Stuttgart e.V.

      Bank Name: Baden-Württembergische Bank, Vaihinger Markt 3, 70563 Stuttgart

      Account Number: 2 5029 77


      IBAN: DE63 6005 0101 0002 5029 77